Better Way Auto does not make money by marking up your vehicle financing the way most dealers do. We use to have links to online services like Eloan and Capitol One however these lenders have pulled out of the “Non-Franchised” markets which are the independent dealers where you will often get the better deals. In So Cal two good locally based credit unions that offer great rates along with good service and do aggressively pursue non-franchised dealer business are
San Diego County Credit Union 877-732-2848
Mission Federal Credit Union 800-500-6328
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Better Way Auto only gathers general page usage information and does not track or record where those hits came from. We only record names, emails and telephone numbers that are supplied to us in a request for more information. That information is never sold or shared with any other company or individual, nor do we market any services by way of email or telephone other than to respond to a specific inquiry. For more information or questions contact us at or call at 760-822-9418.